Monday, March 1, 2010

Not interested

So two guys tried to start chats with me tonight, but I just wasn’t feeling it. One was DARTHTATER, an obese comedian from West Virginia, who never finished high school and is now 35 years old; and GUNSLINGER, a 30 year old divorcee, with 2 kids, a receding hairline, and horrendous grammar. Lucky me. I tried to humor GUNSLINGER for a bit, but just couldn’t do it. He was asking me questions and I thought, ‘You know what? I don’t want him to know what I do, or where I work’. Bless his little gun-toting heart. Seriously, if you don’t live in Arizona and we don’t have the option to meet, then it’s a waste of my time. I have to MEET a guy to know if he’s in the running. You know? Now…if GUNSLINGER said he was independently wealthy and could fly out to see me any time he wanted, then I might give him a second thought. Well…maybe not. I’m still not sure how I feel about divorced dudes. I suppose I’ll have to consider those on a case by case basis. Anyway, I just wasn’t in the mood to chit-chat with someone I won’t have the chance to meet.

Sidenote: One of my friends is on the same dating site as me and guess what?—She’s seeing a guy she met online! So…with her permission, we’ll have to track her status… :)


Heidi said...

oooo!!! how fun to see someone else in the thick of it! now if we could get a guy's perspective of the online dating thing. that would be very educational and interesting.

Unknown said...

I'm still dating John. As of today anyway. It's starting feel like a relationship. My biggest dilema, since I live alone, was when do invite this guy over? I guess I'm just not used to dating strangers who don't have some voucher. Either I was set up with him or I see him all of the time at church. Not that seeing someone at church is neccisarily any garauntee. I don't want to disclose any of his personal details or mine for that matter, but maybe after this thing has been resolved one way or another. If we break up, I am so making fun of him. =)I have to admit I am still sckeptical about the relationship being able to go the distance, but who knows? It seems to be going okay so far.