Saturday, August 1, 2009

Online Dating Undercover: Part 7


At 8:00 am this Monday, the 27th of July, 2009 I shall commence in the scanning process of the plethora of men on the website. I shall seek those profiles that peak my interest even to a small degree and initiate contact! Oh yes, I will push the little button adorned with the heart-shaped smiley face and send anonymous, meaningless communiqués to the men that tickle my fancy. I’ve received quite a few “flirts” from guys, to which I just kind of go, “Okay. Now what?”

I understand it though—the concept. You look at someone’s profile, you decide you want to get to know them, but you don’t know how to start a conversation. If only there were a convenient little button that would allow you to send a little message that’s impersonal, but communicates that you’re interested. Oh, wait! There is one.

Here’s the thing though, once a person’s sent you a flirt that says something like “I’m interested in you,”…then what? (I seem to ask that a lot, don’t I?) I’ve mostly been ignoring the flirts sent to me. Oh, you’re interested in me? You should be. I’m an interesting person. So…would you care to say anything else? You gotta give me a little more than that, boys, to get even the slightest bit of interest tingling. Anyway! Let’s get on with it. I’m going to send some “flirts” and see what happens. Stay tuned ladies...

1 comment:

Mix Family said...

oh i shall, i shall. the real fun begins when you actually go on dates with them. it's so strange to meet them in person after a few phone conversations. there is so much that can be figured out in just a few minutes of face to face interaction. ultimately, i was disappointed in all the guys i chose to go out with because we weren't as compatible as originally thought, or some fellows' intentions were less than noble or a couple guys simply didn't fit in person what they wrote online. nevertheless, it got me out of the house and dating. and it was crazy because initially each date was a "what if this is the guy?" situation. they each seemed to have potential...until i spent an evening of dining and conversation with them. then i knew they were not for me.