Thursday, March 11, 2010

That's a new one

Usually when I get flirts from guys, they’re the typical “I’m interested in you”. Sometimes I’ll get a “Wink” or a “You’re cute”, but today…today!...I got a “Kiss”! My goodness. REXXIE ain’t messing around. Too bad I won’t be responding. Sorry Rexxie. The fact that you only live miles away (in Mesa) and that you’re first contact with me was an unabashed cyber-kiss, tells me that you’re only interested in one thing. Namely, kissing. Unfortunately for you, I’m not looking for a quick hook-up—even though I suspect that 75% of the people on these sites are. So go blow your skeezie cyber smooches elsewhere!


Heidi said...

that's a pretty bold whipper snapper. maybe it was a hello cheek kiss... like in LA. ;)

grammy mel said...

Hi - Just passing through your blog and noticed that Mrs. Write is writing again - very entertaining.