Wednesday, September 23, 2009

More glorious mug shots!


Mix Family said...

ya know, these are actually better than the last round. many of these guys actually look decent. except for the pirate guy. yah, no way with the pirate guy. and the dudes who cut their heads off probably wanted to remain mysterious. my fave is the guy on the horse, or is that a jackass...can't quite tell. har, har,har!

Heidi said...

i just love tha floating hearts. :)

Super Grover said...

LOLOL! i don't even know where to start. "Yes. You are seeing what you are seeing." unfortuantely! i love how you put black bars in front of all the monkey's eyes. LOL! and the dude heading to work with expolosives...hilarious! (yes, I saw the mullet, btw) How will you ever choose Lolly?

Leslie M. said...

Yah, lots of flared nostrils. Maybe guys think that's manly...?

Stephanie said...

The explosives guy made me laugh hysterically!